About Me!

My name is Tess Bryant.  I am a third year Marketing major from the University of Florida.  I was born in San Diego, CA and grew up in Gainesville, FL.  I am spending the Spring 2011 Semester studying International Marketing and German at Wirtschaftsuniversität (WU) in Vienna, Austria.  I hope to someday work in the Travel and Tourism industry or work in International Marketing.  This semester I am also traveling around Europe as much as my schedule (and pocket!) will allow.  In addition to traveling, I enjoy photography, art, architecture, soccer, food, wine, meeting new people, being silly, and adventures!  So what better place to be than Europe, right?

Things I like


Disregarding the fact that the true meaning of this song is not comparable to my life whatsoever, this is my favorite song, and I have found myself blasting in my Vienna dorm room and in local pubs.  It's the best, and is my gift to Europe :)

Well she was an American girl
Raised on promises
She couldn't help thinkin'
That there was a little more to life somewhere else
After all it was a great big world
With lots of places to run to
And if she had to die tryin'
She had one little promise she was gonna keep

(Tom Petty, American Girl)


It's a tie between the Sunflower and the Cactus. 

(Artwork by Giclee)
